Happy Valentine's Day

Regardless of whether you are for or against celebrating Valentine's Day, I believe that love is a blessing and deserves to be honoured on a special day. As far as I am concerned, I look forward to Saint Valentine's Day soon after New Year's party! It's that time of year when you can party again, this time with your significant other. Even if you're not in a relationship, don't be a Valentine's Scrooge, think positive and get into the spirit of Valentine's Day! Who knows! Cupid can have an eye on you and by the end of the night , you might consider changing your Facebook relationship status!

There was no Facebook when I fell head over heels in love with Alkis in Switzerland, back in 1976. No one celebrated Saint Valentine's Day in Switzerland then. Yet, we promised each other that we'd always celebrate our love! And we did! We'd write each other love letters and we'd have a candlelit dinner for two. We always had a celebration for our love. Just imagine, how thrilled we were when Valentine's Day came to say that Love has a day to be honoured and celebrated!

Right now, I'm looking forward to yet another romantic, Valentine's dinner.
Happy Valentine’s Day!


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