The Power of Prayer

I am a christian, a Greek Orthodox, and I solemnly observe our religious events and ceremonies. I am not a very religious person, though, in the sense that I rarely go to church and I only fast during the Holy Week before Easter. Does that make me a sinner?

I've often wondered if going to church every Sunday or fasting or having a spiritual father will make me a better christian. A very good online friend of mine, Morris, once explained the importance of visiting the House of God. Why?
Will God love me more if I visit His house every Sunday? Will He punish me if I don't? In my religion, God is omnipresent, He is ubiquitous  and He is certainly not a punisher! God is Love and He is there to help us in rocky times. My God's son, Jesus Christ, was persecuted and crucified in order to save us from sin. So, how can God be a punisher?   My God is compassionate and merciful and He can hear me wherever I am.
I believe in the power of prayer. But I don't think that I must go to church to have my prayers answered. Do you?


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